5kW Solar System Gold Coast: Price, ROI and Output

Gold Coast is Queensland’s second-largest city and the sixth-largest city in Australia, making it the largest non-capital city, and with an estimated population of around 0.57 million. Gold Coast is a major tourist destination with its sunny subtropical climate.
Gold Coast, being close to Brisbane, gets advantage of latest technologies and experienced solar installers faster which gives another reason you should get a solar system for your home if you still haven’t got one.
Once you determine your usage, you can select the most suitable option from 5kW solar system or 6.6kW solar system or 10kW solar system for your home in Gold Coast. A 5kW solar system for your home in Gold Coast is ideal for a small family as it provides a combination of high energy yield and value for money on your investment.

How many panels 5kW Solar System will have for your home in Gold Coast?
The powerful 5kW solar system is an ideal residential solar solution for the small homeowners in Gold Coast. Optimal power output is ensured through a high-quality 5kW inverter and 15 Monocrystalline Tier-I solar panels with a 330-watt Power output.
How much roof space required for a 5kW Solar System for your home in Gold Coast?
Our CEC-certified technicians and solar experts will make sure to install and configure this powerful 5kW solar system on your rooftop with complete efficiency to ensure seamless power output for a long time for your home in Gold Coast. The 5kW solar system works well in sunshine cities like Gold Coast. Dimension of a 330w solar panel is 1.675m X 1m, therefore it will occupy around 1.675 sqm of space. A total space of approximately 25 sqm will be required to install 15 such panels. Depending on roof type, roof dimension and capacity of panels, it is always advisable to calculate an extra bit of space. Hence, around 30 sqm of space will be required to install a 5kW Solar System for your home in Gold Coast.
How much power will a 5kW Solar System generate in Gold Coast?
Factors that affects the output of a solar power system are climatic condition, weather condition, orientation of the panels, location of the property, shadow from the trees and buildings around the property, wear and tear etc. Considering an average of 4-5 hours of daily sunshine and a yearly average a typical 5kW Solar System is expected to generate around 20kW – 22kW per day for your home in Gold Coast.
What is the price of a 5kW Solar System in Gold Coast?
There are end number of solar installers to choose from when it comes to solar panel system retailers in Gold Coast. With all these factors and been blessed with abundant sunshine, you should not wait anymore if you still have not installed solar panel system for your home in Gold Coast.
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The price of the solar system is increasing every year with the federal government rebate constantly phasing out each year. However, with the advancing technology and growing demand, solar system prices have drastically gone down in past few years. Solar system for your home in Gold Coast starts giving you benefit with immediate effect, therefore the best time to go solar is now. A typical 5kW solar system in Gold Coast will range anywhere between $3000 – $4500 for a standard installation.
Standard installation comprises of installation done on a single storey house with a tin roof. Price of a 5kW Solar System for your home in Gold Coast will vary for installations on a double or multi-storey house or on a house with a tile, decramastic roof. A 5kW Solar System price in Gold Coast will also vary depending on the brand of panels or inverter.
How much can you save by installing 5kW Solar System in Gold Coast?
With the abundance of sunshine in Gold Coast; it is considered as one of the best places for solar panel system installation. Considering an average of 4-5 hours of daily sunshine; a 5kW solar system in Gold Coast is expected to generate around 20kW – 22kW per day. Considering an average daily power generation of 20kW in a day and assuming that you pay 25c tariff to your electricity company, a 5kW solar system in Gold Coast can help you to save $5 per day if you consume the entire power generated by the solar system. In this case, your yearly saving will be around $1825. However, in practical scenario the entire power generated by the solar system is not consumed and transferred back to the grid, for which you are entitled to get the benefit of feed in tariff at a rate of around 10c. In such cases, your yearly saving will reduce to the extent the power is not consumed by you and sent back to the electricity grid. In short, if you consume solar power, you save 25c (rate at which you are billed) and if you are not able to consume solar power, you save 10c (feed in tariff rate).
What is the Return on Investment on a 5kW Solar System in Gold Coast?
Around 30% of the homes in Gold Coast have solar panel systems on their roofs and it is constantly increasing. There are many reasons why so many homes have gone solar in Gold Coast. The main reasons are High federal government solar incentives, competitive prices and abundance of sunshine. Gold Coast receives an average of 4-5 hours of daily sunshine, making it one of the best places to install solar PV systems. More sunshine means more savings and a higher return on your investment.
Average payback period from a 5kW Solar System in Gold Coast can range anywhere between 2.5 to 4 years. There are few factors that decides the payback period like usage during sunshine hours, type of electrical equipment used in the house, number of members in the house etc. To minimise your payback period a simple rule is to maximise the use of solar power as compared to the power from the electricity grid.
Owning a 5kW solar system for your home in Gold Coast is an advantage as it reduces your electricity bills to a considerable extent and also reduces your dependency on the power supply from the grid. Solar panel system is also considered as a long-term investment as the average life cycle of a solar panel system is considered to be anywhere between 10-15 years.
To get more information, call us on 1300 650 747 and discuss your requirement against your budget. We will help you to decide on a most suitable 5kW solar system for your home in Gold Coast.