Growatt Solar Inverter

Growatt is considered as one of the leading manufacturer of affordable solar inverters in the world featuring Growatt monitoring system. Growatt is a Chinese inverter manufacturing company established in 2010 with its presence in Germany, Australia, US, UK and Netherlands. Growatt has made significant investment in Research & Development with over 70 patents in their name. Growatt believes in strict component sourcing and strong quality control to ensure productivity, durability and reliability of each inverter. Growatt provides premium products and services through its core inverter technology, rigorous quality control and continuous improvement of customer service at an affordable price. Their three phase inverters have more than 99% maximum efficiency.

Growatt offers a comprehensive range of solar Inverters, from 1kW to 2.52MW, together with energy storage solutions for smart home energy management solutions. Growatt offers Hybrid inverter if you are considering adding battery storage to your system. Growatt battery backup storage systems are becoming increasingly popular as it gives you an option to use the solar energy gathered during the day throughout the evening and night.

Growatt Inverters Features

  • Maximum Efficiency up to 99%
  • Compact and aesthetics design
  • Smart Diagnostics
  • Long-term warranty
  • Intelligent monitoring and fuse protection
  • Dedicated online and offline support in Australia

Growatt Solar inverter we offer….

Growatt Single Phase Inverter Range:
MIN 2500-6000TL-X

  • Maximum efficiency 98.4%
  • Dual MPP trackers
  • Type ll SPD on DC side
  • Supports export control
  • Touch key and OLED display

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Growatt Single Phase Inverter

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Growatt Three Phase Inverter

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Growatt Three Phase Inverter Range:

  • Compact design
  • Online smart service
  • Max. efficiency up to 98.0%
  • Integrated DC switch
  • Natural cooling

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  • Are Growatt inverters any good?

    Growatt Solar Inverter manufacturing company was established in 2010 with its presence in Australia.

    By 2018 Growatt Solar Inverter has become the TOP 3 single-phase inverter brand according to the IHS Markit’s world inverter shipment ranking.

    By the end of 2019, Growatt Solar Inverter has shipped over 1.7 million inverters to over 100 countries and regions across the globe.

    Growatt Solar Inverter has been recognized as the No.1 Chinese Residential PV Inverter Brand, three years in a row.

  • Is Growatt a good inverter?

    Growatt solar inverter is a quality inverter with affordable price. Growatt solar inverter provides both single phase and three phase dual MPPT inverters starting from 2.5kW to 100kW. With maximum efficiency of 98% and above it comes with standard 5 years of warranty with an option to extend it for 5 more years gives piece of mind to get maximum return on your solar system investment. It also has an option to remote monitoring of the performance which helps you to monitor how your solar system is performing. All these feature makes Growatt solar inverter an unavoidable option if you are looking for a solar system at a reasonable price. Growatt solar inverter has been rated 4.3 Stars out of 5 by independent review platform in Australia.

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